Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua

Address: Vitebsk Region, Postavy
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Tourists who love nature, water and tranquility, often visit Postavy. But not everyone knows that there are many places of interest here. In 1898-1904, under the direction of architect Arthur Goibel, a neo-Gothic church of St. Anthony of Padua was built here, which today is the vertical accent of the historical center of Postavy. It is built of red brick and has the shape of a cross. The building of the church was badly damaged during the First World War, but then it was rebuilt in the 1920s. After the city joined the BSSR in 1939, the last abbot of the church Boleslav Matseevsky was arrested and died in Stalin's camps. The church was closed, and after World War II there was a warehouse in it, later - a shop of an industrial enterprise. The shrine was returned to Catholics only in 1988. After a long restoration, the church was opened for worship. The main architectural dominant of the church is a four-sided belltower with a faceted spire above the central part of the main facade.


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