Palace and Park Ensemble in Stankovo Village

Indirizzo: Stankovo Village
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In the village of Stankovo Count Emeryk Hutten-Czapski built a wonderful manor that became his family nest. The palace itself reflected his nostalgia for the Middle Ages. It was burnt down during the Second World War, but other buildings remained untouched. For example, the count’s major pride – Skarbnitsa (treasury) – a two-storey pavilion with corner towers and gothic roofs some time ago housed a unique numismatic collection, a library featuring thousands of rare books and old maps, fine art paintings and ancient porcelain, the rarities found during the diggings at the Stankovo burial mounds, etc. The manor has preserved its old entrance gate, the blacksmith's shop, a servants’ house, a kitchen outbuilding with an underground passage, a water tower, a barn, a family vault, and a summer house with a view to St. Nicholas Church built in the 19th century that is currently under reconstruction.    

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