The Temple of God's Body (Corpus Christi church)

The grandiose temple was built in 1584-1593. It was used as a church of the Jesuit monastery designed by the Italian architect Giovanni Maria Bernardoni. The temple was the first monument of baroque architecture in Eastern Europe. The prototype of the church is the Roman Temple of Ile Jesu (the Cathedral Church of the Jesuit Order), built in 1568-1584. The three-nave basilica in Nesvizh is decorated with frescoes. The paintings were renewed in the early twentieth century, and the icon "The Last Supper" was restored. In the Church of the Body of God, there are tombstones of the early 17th century, dedicated to the founder of the church, Prince Radziwill Sirotka and his children. In the crypt of the shrine, the family tomb of the Radziwills is located — it is the only necropolis of the historical family in Eastern Europe. It contains 72 burial places, some of them in the form of mummies - the latter is dated to 2000. The Radziwill crypt is the third in Europe by the number of dynastic burials (after the Habsburgs and the Bourbons).

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La chiesa di San Nicola (Logojsk)

Le maggiori attrazioni di Logojsk sono i resti di una fortezza cittadine dei secoli XI-XIII e due insediamenti del periodo più antico così come gli avvallamenti del terreno e i fossi, il parco e la chiesa di San Nicola costruita nel 1866.

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk

St. Sophia Cathedral in the ancient town of Polotsk does not look like other Eastern Orthodox churches of the same name. It is one of the oldest temples constructed by Eastern Slavonic peoples and the first church built from stone on the territory of Belarus.

La chiesa di Kalozha

La chiesa dei Santi Boris e Gleb, o Kalozhskaya, è una perla architettonica della vecchia Grodno, un monumento unico dell’antica arte costruttoria ortodossa del XII secolo in Belarus e in tutta l’Europa Orientale.
