Money and Exchange Rates

Local Currency

The Belarusian currency is the Belarusian Ruble. The currency code for Rubles is BYR, and the currency symbol is p. 10 banknotes are available, ranging from 50 rubles to 200,000 rubles. Coins are not used. Payment is only accepted in Belarusian rubles.

First, read these budget travel tips to help you save money while travelling in Belarus, then read on to discover how to manage your travel funds.

ATMs and Exchange Rates

ATMs and exchange offices are not difficult to find. Bank offices, supermarkets, shopping malls, bus and train stations, hotels are common places. Worldwide ATM cards are accepted, the most commonly used are Visa and MasterCard. Payment by credit card is possible in most places. Currently there are no problems converting foreign currency into BYR and vice versa. However as the local currency is not fully convertible, you won’t be able to get any before you arrive in the country. Exchange rates for cash slightly differ from one agency to another, but the exchange rate at an ATM machine is determined by your bank based on the official exchange rate in Belarus.

VAT Refund

At the end of 2012 Belarus has introduced changes to its tax system in order to give VAT refunds to foreign visitors who spend at least BYR 800,000 in one outlet during a day. Under the system, the VAT will be returned to the purchaser at a border checkpoint on the production of a receipt. At checkpoints where there is no bank office, the money will be returned by bank transfer. Tobacco, alcohol, reduced rate VAT items and souvenirs will not be included in the scheme.

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