
Phones: +375 29 170-96-98
Address: Tuchinskaya side, 2A-2
Surganova str., 50
Rokossovsky ave., 145a
Rafieva str., 81a
Rokossovsky ave., 1
Russiyanova Str., 1
Pritytskogo Str., 142
Pushkin ave., 41
Independence Ave., 56
Gorecki str., 27a
Gazety Pravda ave., 24
Auf der Karte ansehen
Route machen

Network «MAXBET» is one of the largest in Belarus and currently has 16 casinos, 12 of which are in the city of Minsk, 3 - in Bobruisk and 1 in Mogilev.

The number of visitors  of the «MAXBET» grows in proportion to the number of club rooms. For the regular visitors «MAXBET» spends numerous recreational activities. In «MAXBET» you can take a break from your everyday worries, relax and get a lot of pleasure from the game.

All players have a unique opportunity to become a member of " Bonus Club ", which allows you to receive various bonuses and privileges, as well as take part in the promotions carried out in the" MAXBET "network.
