White Lotus

Phones: +375 29 363-80-00,
+375 17 200-88-40,
+375 44 531-40-09,
+375 33 363-80-00
Address: Kirova str., 9
Kirilla i Mefodiya str., 8
Auf der Karte ansehen
Route machen

- Exclusively created Spa-menue 

- Highly trained therapists from Thailand

- Natural Thai cosmetics

- Unique interior and atmosphere of Thailand


SPA- menue of Thai Spa White Lotus is based on exclusive Spa body ritual treatments and includes 9 rituals and 7 SPA-packages. Each of the treatments will leave you with an indescribable feeling of both energizing and deep relaxation after  the session. At Thai Spa  White Lotus the experience of SPA rituals is delivered by our highly trained professionals. We have recruited staff from Thailand so we can maintain the highest standards of Thai SPA body treatments. 
