Ў Art Gallery

Address: Minsk, Nezavisimosti prospect, 37a
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“Ў” gallery is an active art-platform which unites gallery space, hand-made and design accessories shop, a bookshop and a café. One of the most important directions of “Ў” gallery activity is educational: organization and carrying-out of seminars, round-tables and other culture events in the field of art-criticism, art-management and curatorship with the participation of Belarusian and foreign specialists.

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Картинки по запросу галерэя у

Картинки по запросу галерэя у

The aim of these educational events is to accumulate around the gallery not only artists but also critics and analysts, to create conditions for critic-analytical environment. Organizing exhibitions and cultural events together with these specialists we will be able to develop modern standards of presentation and assessment of contemporary art, which will promote contemporary and actual art in Belarus.

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Картинки по запросу галерэя у

Картинки по запросу галерэя у

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