TIBO 2017

Address: Minsk, Pobediteley ave.
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Date: 14/03/2025 - 14/03/2025

The 24th international forum on telecommunications, information and banking technologies TIBO 2017 will run in Minsk from 18 to 21 April. Held since 1994, TIBO is one of the biggest exhibition events in the CIS and the Baltic states. The forum gathers the leading Belarusian and foreign producers of telecommunications equipment, computers and software, security systems and devices, suppliers of ICT services. TIBO 2016 brought together more than 100 companies from 18 countries.

Картинки по запросу тибо 2016

The forum will demonstrate the application of the latest technologies in various areas, including agriculture, banking sector, industry, healthcare, telecommunications, education, public security, transport, and also the use of the ‘smart home' and ‘smart city' systems. The prospects and progress achieved in the development of electronic governance in Belarus will be presented at the stand of the Belarusian Communications and Informatization Ministry. The stand will showcase e-services offered by the government agencies and organizations in the state-state, state-citizen, and state-business areas.

Картинки по запросу тибо 2016

Apart from stands by individual companies, TIBO 2017 will feature collective stands of the State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus, Minsk City Hall, the Industry Ministry, and the Hi-Tech Park. Azerbaijan, Lithuania and Latvia will also arrange stands at the expo. The program of the forum includes thematic events on major factors determining progress towards digital transformation: regulatory and engineering support, security and innovations. 

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Food Industry-Belarus

Profile for exhibit includes Products of meat, milk, fish-processing factories, bread-baking plants, confectioneries, Vegetables and fruit.

World Of Chilhood

Exhibitor profile includes Toys and games, School appliances, Books, educational supplies and periodicals for children and teenagers, Modern educational facilities and systems.

Best Present

Best Present is a 7 day event being held from 1st March to the 7th March 2017 at the Belexpo in Minsk, Belarus.
