Cross-border Formalities

Visa Regulations.

Citizens of most countries are required a visa to travel to Belarus. When planning your trip to Belarus, pay special attention to the information on Belarusian Visa regulations. But foreign visitors from 80 countries who arrive in Belarus through Minsk Airport will be able to spend 5 days without a visa. These are 39 countries of Europe, including the entire European Union, Brazil, Indonesia, the USA, Japan, and other countries.

Goods Transportation.

When crossing the border one should fill in a customs declaration form. Travellers are allowed to take up to 50 kg of personal use goods to the value of 1,500 euros, 3 liters of alcoholic beverages and beer per one person over 18, 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco without paying duties.  Goods in excess of the norms of duty-free entry are subject to duty at a rate of 30% of the cost, but not less than €4 euro per 1 kg.

Cash Movement.

No restrictions are applied to the movement of foreign currency in cash, if it’s less than USD 10,000. Otherwise, a passenger customs declaration form should be filled in.

Restrictions and Bans.

Fire-arms and ammunition, military equipment, narcotic, psychothropic, toxic, poisonous, radioactive and explosive substances are banned for transportation. To travel with pets it’s required to provide a veterinary certificate.

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Money and Exchange Rates

Learn how to better handle money matters in Belarus. Find out about Belarusian Ruble, ATMs and exchange rates, VAT refund and more.

Opportunities for Disabled Visitors

When visiting Belarus disabled people may face with certain problems. However the infrastructure for people with mobility problems is constantly improving.

Handling Emergencies

Find out what to do in police, fire, and medical emergencies while you are visiting Belarus.
