Minsk Region

Address: Minsk, Belarus
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Minsk. Stroll with the crowds along the capital’s streets and avenues, deep into the atmosphere of its churches and cathedrals (The Red Church, The Holy Spirit Cathedral or Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary), take a walk to Traetskae Pradmeste, an old town of the city, or make towards the up-to-date National Library building and say what is more in Minsk: the old or the modern.

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Khatyn. One of the most touching and quivery, this memorial complex embodies the idea of courage and spirit of the people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the victory. It was constructed at the place of the destroyed village of Khatyn and commemorates every fourth Belarusian citizen who perished in the Great Patriotic War. Its lifelike sculptures and the sound of the bells make the impressions of the complex especially acute.

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Dudutki. Make an exciting journey to the world of Belarusian folk culture by visiting open-air interactive museum of Dudutki. Past and present meet here creating unique atmosphere of comfort and coziness. National cuisine dishes and old crafts masterpieces make will make the ambience even more homely.

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Nesvizh. A 13th century city, home to the Radziwiłł princely family, Nesvizh is a must-see in Minsk region. The Corpus Christi Church, one of the earliest Jesuit churches in the world and one of the first baroque buildings also; Slutsk Gate, a city gate constructed around 1700, are perfect to begin your exploration of the city with. But the real architectural pearl is Nesvizh Castle, once the family complex of the Radziwill noble family, which is a World Heritage Site now.

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Minsk, Territory of Culture

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