The Minsk Height

With its grand boulevards and big squares, Minsk is all about monumental excess, but its Old Town is tiny and not particularly old at all - most of the city had been rebuilt following the demolition in WWII. The best place to start exploring Minsk is at the Independence Square with its statue of Lenin and the Belarusian University building. Some of the best views over the city unfold from atop the futuristic structure of Belarus' National Library. 

But you can look at Minsk right now! Incredible photos of Dmitry Vazhnik tell about the city a lot of new and interesting things.

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Proud Of The Nation: Famous Belarusians - Part 5.

The last part of the list of of famous Belarusians. Here you will find businessmen, politicians, and athletes who have not only become the pride of Belarusians, but also the World Heritage.

Belarussische Küche: Unser Führer in der Welt des Essen

Die belarussische Küche entwickelte sich jahrhundertelang. Die kulinarischen Traditionen der Belarussen sind es die Einfachheit der Rezepte und die Raffiniertheit der Gerichte für die Aristokraten, vielfältige Verwendung der einheimischen Lebensmittel, ungewöhnliche Zubereitungen.

Quality marks: the most recognized Belarusian brands

The country's image is formed not only by people, not just the cities, but also brands. Belarus can be proud of these brands.
