Guitar competition in Gomel

Address: Gomel, Irininskaya str., 16, "City Center of Culture"
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Date: 04/07/2017 - 04/09/2017

The forum will open on 7 April and this day will be dedicated to networking and workshops by leading musicians and music professors. The competition program is scheduled for 8 April. On the same day in the evening, the culture center will host a concert by a guitar orchestra featuring some 150 musicians. The orchestra will play several songs, including Yesterday and Lady Madonna by Paul McCartney and John Lennon, the famous Gomez Romance de Amor and the Belarusian folk song Kupalinka. Director of the Gomel culture center Lyudmila Panina noted that the tradition to perform world music hits emerged a few years ago and is already part and parcel of the competition. This year some of the guests will come to Gomel to listen to the orchestra. The 12th installment of the Guitar Renaissance competition will conclude with a gala on 9 April.

Картинки по запросу ренессанс гитары гомель

Картинки по запросу ренессанс гитары гомель

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