International Theatre Forum TEART

Address: Minsk
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Date: 10/06/2017 - 14/03/2025

TEART has been held in Minsk since 2011. International Theatre Forum TEART is an opportunity to see the best theatre projects from all over the world. There are no incidental titles in the playbill of the Forum: all the performances represent recognized models of dramatic art awarded with different theatre prizes and making part of prestigious international festival programmes. The names of directors are well-known all over the world: Vasili Barkhatov, Konstantin Bogomolov, Yurij Butusov, Romeo Castellucci, Pippo Delbono, Lev Dodin, Alvis Hermanis, Grzegorz Jarzyna, Shtefan Kegi, Yan Klyata, Oskaras Korsunovas, Krystian Lupa, Ohad Naharin, Thomas Ostermeier, Daniele Finzi Pasca, Kirill Serebrennikov, Dmitriy Volkostrelov, Krzysztof Warlikowski. Among the participating countries one can find Argentine, Belarus, Belgium, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Switzerland, Poland, Ukraine. Number of master-classes, open discusses, meetings with theatre professionals are held during the Forum. 

Photo: Ihar Chyshchenia

Photo: Ihar Chyshchenia

Photo: Ihar Chyshchenia

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