Mogilev Region

Address: Mogilev, Belarus
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Mogilev. The capital of the country once, now the city of Mogilev is the third largest settlement in Belarus. Of great historical and cultural interest for tourists can be the late 17th-century town hall. A symbol of the city and one of the best pieces of civil architecture, Mogilev City Hall sustained serious damages during the wars, but at last was restored and now is the city’s must-see. Other important landmarks of Mogilev are the six-pillared St. Stanislaw's Cathedral, built in the Baroque style, and the convent of St. Nicholas.

Картинки по запросу могилев

Buynichy. Buynichy Field Memorial Complex, located to the south-east from Mogilev, honours the defenders of Mogilev in the years of the Great Patriotic War. The elements of the memorial: its chapel, the walkways and the Lake of Tears – are highly symbolic and will leave nobody cold to the heroism of the soldiers.

Картинки по запросу буйничское поле

Bobruysk. One of the oldest cities in Belarus, Bobruysk can become a fascinating city break. The ruins of The Bobruysk Fortress, one of the best surviving examples of fortification architecture and design of the first half of the 19th century, will definitely attract tourists. Another interesting place to explore is the old library building of Bobruysk, as well as multiple synagogues and Jewish buildings, St. Peter and Paul Church and some other religious buildings.

Картинки по запросу бобруйск

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