Belarus Will Create a Brand of the Augustow Canal

Address: Belarus, Augustow Canal
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The department of Sports and Tourism of the Grodno region reported that the European side will finance the creation of the brand of the Augustow Canal and its promotion. The project organizers expect to achieve at least 20% increase in the tourist flow.

Картинки по запросу августовский канал

The department of Sports and Tourism informed that "the project foresees the creation of a sustainable development strategy of tourism and recreational park "Augustow Canal ", the development of its brand, the creation of various media products - movies, printed booklets, advertising, dedicated channel".

Work with the brand will help to identify the strengths and distinctive features of the Augustow Canal (compared with some similar areas) and to promote the attractions in the tourist market. The Belarusian part of the canal was one of the directions of the international technical assistance project "Support for sustainable development of tourism in Belarus". The project will be implemented in November 2017.

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