Tag "Музеи"

How Our Favourite Things Are Made? Industrial Tourism In Belarus

Популярная у европейцев и американцев ветвь туризма стала одним из самых интересных развлечений и у нас. Иногда хочется приоткрыть завесу тайны и узнать, как же создаётся всё то, что мы видим на прилавках магазинов, используем в быту, о чём давно знаем, но никогда не пробовали.

Il Museo Statale Bielorusso della storia della Grande Guerra patriottica

Il museo Statale della storia della Grande Guerra patriottica è il primo nel mondo ad essere dedicato alla guerra più sanguinosa del XX secolo e l’unico in Belarus ad essere creato negli anni immediati dell’occupazione nazista.

National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus

The National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus is one of the country’s most popular museums. Its holdings house the biggest museum collection in Belarus numbering about 400,000 items.

The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus

The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (the State Art Gallery from 1939 till 1957, the State Art Museum from 1957 till 1993) – the largest collection of the Belarusian and foreign art within the country – is located in the centre of Minsk.

The Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern Art - one of the youngest to date museum structures in Belarus.

Gallery Mastatstva

Minsk dwellers and guests of Minsk know that in the "Gallery Mastatstva" there is a greatest selection of the paintings in the capital of Belarus.And this is not a myth!


“Ў” — is the gallery with the atmosphere of free culture where everyone can get acquainted with modern topical art trends, visit lectures of famous art critics, take part in workshops…

House of paintings (Dom kartin)

A new private art gallery in Minsk.

The first private museum of miniatures opened in Minsk

In one building you can see the sights of Belarus in a reduced form.

Il museo di Marc Chagall a Vitebsk

La città natale di Marc Chagall – Vitebsk – fu una sua fonte d’ispirazione inesauribile durante tutta la vita del pittore. Le cupole delle chiese e le vie antiquate, casette minuscole e empori con le insegne, il susseguirsi dei cancelli di legno, carrettieri per le strade per sempre rimasero sulle tele pittoresche insieme ai suoi famosi angeli e amanti che si librano nel cielo…

Belarusian State Museum of Vernacular Architecture and Ethnic Heritage (the village of Ozertso)

It is Belarus’ single museum-skansen that represents a whole village of architectural specimens of the 17th-20th centuries.

Museum of Old Folk Crafts and Technologies Dudutki

Dudutki is one of the most attended museums in Belarus. It is located 40km away from Minsk in a picturesque site near the Ptich River.

History and Culture Museum-Reserve Zaslavl

Zaslavl is one of the most ancient Belarusian towns. It was first mentioned in chronicles in 1127. However, it was founded much earlier.

Mikhail Savitsky Art Gallery

The gallery was opened in September 2012 in the city center, close to the Town Hall, in the historical building of city mansion, which is partially reconstructed the interior of the XIX century. This is one of the cultural centers of Minsk.

DK Gallery

We have created a gallery where people can free themselves from the daily bustle and devote time to the soul. To do this, we carefully select the works to create exclusive collections of art and try to catch the appetite of connoisseurs and art lovers.

Art Gallery Predmestje

To buy a beautiful painting, antiques, exclusive gift, you do no need to go abroad!

Il Museo Letterario «Maxim Bogdanovich»

Nel 2016 Belarus ha festeggiato i 125 anni dalla nascita di Maxim Bogdanovich, un insigne poeta , giornalista e traduttore bielorusso, una delle stelle più brillanti nel cielo della poesia bielorussa.

Casa-museo Vankovich

Pressoché al centro della Minsk odierna si è conservata una modesta villa nobiliare. Secondo gli esperti, si tratta di una perla architettonica dell’inizio del XIX secolo: come confermano le numerose ricerche, l’edificio è stato costruito in stretta osservanza dei canoni del classicismo secondo le proporzioni della “sezione aurea”.