The Medieval Festival "The White Caste"

Address: Novogrudok
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The Belarusian people are proud of the country's past and its traditional culture. The medieval festival "The White Caste" is arranged every spring in Minsk. Every summer, in Belarusian castles (in Lida, Mir, Novogrudok. Nesvizh, etc.) knights' tournaments and international medieval festivals take place.

Картинки по запросу средневековый фестиваль минск

Картинки по запросу средневековый фестиваль минск

They attract spectators and participants from many countries of the world. During several days, you will have a chance to plunge into a romantic atmosphere of the Middle Ages, to contemplate a reconstruction of historic events, to become an apprentice of a craftsman, enjoy medieval music and »v on knights' armor or ladies' magnificent dresses.

Картинки по запросу средневековый фестиваль минск

Картинки по запросу средневековый фестиваль минск

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