Festival the Chamber Music "Muses of Nesvizh"

Address: Nuasvizh
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Date: 25/04/2024 - 25/04/2024

"Muses of Nesvizh" - Art Festival, where you can hear the music, lost by Belarusian musicians. For a long time in the archives of the world many works of Russian composers found, recovered and returned at Nesvizh land.

Картинки по запросу Фестиваль камерной музыки “Музы Нясвіжа”

Картинки по запросу Фестиваль камерной музыки “Музы Нясвіжа”


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Festival der historischen Rekonstruktion "die Ritterepoche"

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Minsk Spring Tango Festival

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International Museum Day in Zabrodie

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