Food Industry-Belarus

Address: Minsk Expo
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Date: 06/06/2017 - 06/10/2017

Food Industry-Belarus is a 5 day event being held from 6th June to 10th June 2017 at the Minsk Expo in Minsk, Belarus. This event showcases product from Food & Beverage industry.The main objective of Food Industry is sustainable development which can provide natural resources to the people. The development of an agricultural policy will increase economic, social, cultural, environment and food security thus in turn sustain the harmonious ecosystem everlastingly.

Картинки по запросу выставка пищепрома беларусь

Картинки по запросу выставка пищепрома беларусь

Картинки по запросу выставка пищепрома беларусь

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