Festival of Historical Reconstruction "The Age of Chivalry"

Address: Minsk region, Minsk district, Ozertso
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Date: 27/07/2024 - 27/07/2024

The third festival of historical reconstruction "The Age of Chivalry" will be held just 4 km away from Minsk in the Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. Tournaments, battles of knights, medieval music and camp life! The headliner of the musical part of the festival - a group of medieval Belarusian music "Stary Olsa".

Картинки по запросу Фестиваль исторической реконструкции "Эпоха рыцарства"

The programme includes:

  • spectacular matches of knights in armor
  • massive battles of infantry Knights
  • mounted knights tournament
  • tournament of alebardists
  • medieval archery tournament
  • knights' camp
  • fair
  • horseback riding
  • performances of medieval musicians, street theater and dance, as well as fantasy folk project.

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Festival of Francophone Amateur Theaters

The Festival of Francophone Amateur Theaters will take place in Minsk Palace of Children and Youth. The competition program will span two days. The opening ceremony will be held on 28 April, the award ceremony on 29 April.

Hunting & Fishing

Profile for exhibit include Hunting; sport weapons and attachments, hunting and fishing literature, forestry equipment.

Minsk Larp Festival

Minsk Larp Festival will be held in Minsk on April 22-23, 2017. We invite everyone who enjoys live-action role-playing or who wants to know what it actually is to spend this weekend with us and fill it with new experience, discover new places and try brand new larps, designed by Belarusian and international larp-community.
