The Popularity of Belarusian Health Resorts Is Growing

Belarusian health resorts expect 220,000 customers from Russia in 2017. The reasons for this optimistic forecast are a growing export of vouchers (mainly Russia) in recent years, the strong operation of the health centers in the first quarter of this year and the status of bookings for the coming summer season. The most popular among Russian customers are the resorts of the highest and first categories providing high-quality health and wellness services, with the good infrastructure and also the resorts of Gomel and Vitebsk regions (given the territorial principle). 

Картинки по запросу санаторий отдых спа

The Russian customers get diagnostics, treatment, other health and wellness services in Belarusian health resorts. They are much cheaper than in Russia, and the quality is quite high. Health resorts constantly introduce new services based on modern medical technologies. Emphasis is placed on the use of medical natural factors. Every Belarusian health resort offers at least 200 types of services. The vouchers are in demand not only in summer but also in the off-season: foreigners travel to our resorts to improve health, undergo treatment and, of course, relax. 220,000 people from the CIS and non-CIS countries used the health improvement and wellness programs in Belarus last year. In Belarus there are currently 324 health centers.

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Poland May Take Part in Lida Castle Renovation

Belarus invites Polish investors to participate in the project to renovate Lida Castle, Andrei Naumovich, Chairman of the Human Rights, National Relations, and Mass Media Commission of the House of Representatives, told reporters.

Mass Media in Belarus expo

This year's edition of the international expo Mass Media in Belarus will take place from 3 to 6 May.

International Museum Day in Zabrodie

These recent years, International Museum Day has been experiencing its highest involution with almost 30,000 museums that organised activities in more than 120 countries. Zabrodye invites everyone to make a small trip in time (in the era of the First World War and the USSR) completely FREE.
