Niemcewicz Estate In Skoki Village

Address: Skoki, Mir str., 48Б
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The magnificent Baroque-style estate was built in the 1770s to the order of Marceli Niemcewicz, a representative of the old family. The estate was inherited by his son Julian Niemcewicz, a writer, historian, and public figure, who served as an aide-de-camp to Tadeusz Kosciuszko and participated in the drafting of the first European constitution. The famous estate was visited by Russia Emperor Alexander III, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, artist Napoleon Orda, and poet Adam Mickiewicz. During the First World War the estate was used as the headquarters of the commander of the German Eastern Front Prince Leopold of Bavaria…

The halls, music and art lounge, and arms room of the Niemcewicz estate history museum have undergone large-scale renovations. The estate of the Niemcewicz family played a key role in the history: a truce was singed there on 15 December 1917. Two days later the estate hosted the first meeting on the peace negotiations. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed at the White Palace of the Brest Fortress on 3 March 1918. Today the Niemcewicz estate offers guided tours, organizes balls and literary evenings. In December it hosts the international military history festival Skoki re-enacting the events of the First World War.

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