Tag "Полоцк"

Vitebsk Region

Vitebsk region, with its famous art festival Slavic Bazaar, ancient Polotsk, and picturesque Braslav, becomes an exciting destination of your tour itinerary.

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk

St. Sophia Cathedral in the ancient town of Polotsk does not look like other Eastern Orthodox churches of the same name. It is one of the oldest temples constructed by Eastern Slavonic peoples and the first church built from stone on the territory of Belarus.


Polotsk was founded in 862 and not only is it the oldest town in the country, it is one of the oldest in the whole Slavic region, making it a popular tourist attraction in Belarus.

Ambassadors Of The EU Countries Give An Advice To a Foreign Tourist

Ambassadors of European countries have already found a favorite place in Belarus. Now they are ready to share the most interesting sights with tourists.

Il Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Unesco: i tesori di Belarus

Il patrimonio è la nostra ricchezza dal passato, qualcosa grazie a ciò viviamo oggi e ch trasmettiamo alle generazioni future. Il nostro patrimonio culturale e naturale sono fonti insostituibili di vita e ispirazione.