The Palace of Tyzengauz

Address: Vitebsk region, Postavy, Sovetskaya str., 94
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Postavy is known since 1552 as a private settlement. In the second half of the XVIII century A. Tyzengauz was its owner. It was his initiative to build here some plants, a weaving factory, a mill, a tannery, an architectural complex of dwelling houses. A famous Italian architect D. Saka took part in the building up this territory. At court of Tyzengauz a chamber orchestra and a ballet school were created.

The palace complex in the style of classicism was built in Postavy in the second half of the 18th century for Antony Tyzengauz, designed by the Italian architect Giuseppe di Sacco. Later, it was rebuilt. Near the palace there was a regular-landscape park (which occupied an area of ​​about 10 hectares).

After World War II, the interior space of the palace was heavily rebuilt for the needs of a medical institution - Postavy central district hospital is still in the palace building. In 2006 a monument to Konstantin Tyzengauz, a famous ornithologist who developed a system for the classification of birds, which is used by modern scientists was established before the palace. In 2014, the basement rooms of the palace were repaired, and a museum exposition was created. Today the palace and park ensemble is the town’s landmark and is included in the tourist route around the region. For preserving the species of history the Postavy central regions hospital received a UNESCO grant.

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