Alexander Solodukha: "I am in love with my work!"

To arrange an interview with this, perhaps, the most shocking Belarusian artist, is a pleasure. Alexander Solodukha is always happy to talk about his preferences - about music, favorite songs and the most pleasant gifts. That's why he immediately agreed, because "Today the mood is good and the weather is appropriate, and I'm wearing white clothes. A good day for communication, and I will answer any question!".

About music

- Do you think energy is an important thing for a musician?

- Of course! This is number one! I call it charisma, and if the artist does not have charisma, any artist (dancer, musician, actor), it's better to think about changing the profession, because if you don't have that invisible thread between the artist and the audience, there's nothing will happen.

- Today's music has strong associations with the concept of mass culture. Texts are not so important, according to general musical trends, it is often noticeable that the quality of songs is constantly decreasing. What do you think about it?

- It's bad, of course! I propose to fight this. First of all, this way: do not listen. For the Slavic soul words were always important in the song. Do you remember that "At first there was a word"? Certainly, a melody, harmony is necessary, but the text, the meaning of the song — at the first place. And the fact that some artists retreat from this principle means that they will finish their career very quickly. Their age will be short. I am sure about that.

- What do you consider the most important thing in a song?

- When I sing, I think about the words I say. I must convey the meaning by letting it through my heart and soul. I sing for the people, that's why the audience's response is important for me, it's almost the primary one. I always keep feedback from the audience - you can see it by watching the record of any of my concerts, what's going on with people when Sasha Solodukha is on stage!

About recognition

- You performed together with the Razbitae sertsa patsana band. How do you like this experience? Would you like to repeat this experience?

- Yes, the concert was in "Graffiti" pub, but I do not know the musicians themselves. The club's management invited me to sing - there was madness, fury of the audience. I said many times, it felt like it was the peak of popularity like the Beatles and Rolling Stones - such a strong reaction. It seemed to me that this was a joke of youth over me, but then I realized that it was a natural reaction. Of course, I had a thrill, an ecstasy that young people like my creativity. I want to repeat it!

- Do you know that you became an idol? Many people buy badges with your image!

- Of course, I know. And do you know about the tattoo? One of the inhabitants of our country has a tattoo with my portrait. I do not remember similar tattoos with images of other Belarusian artists. Lenin, Lennon, and here I am! For me it is a shock!

- How about the opinion of young people about your work?

- Very positive. Opinions, of course, are different. But I always believed that I would get a response from the youth.

- What is the most impressive gift you have received from the fans?

- There were different gifts... And food, and toys. One of the most important gifts is always with me. In 1996 in Russia a person talked to me after the concert for half an hour and gave me a cross with the words "You still do not realize what you are like".

About his image

- Are you different as a person in life and as a media person?

- Definitely, no! I'm the same everywhere. And for the family, and for the listeners, I'm the same.

- Is the image important to the artist?

- I think that for any artist, as for any person, image is not important, but the heart and soul are. The first rule is to be a man and give 100% of yourself to your business.

- What other rules do you use?

- I also always say to myself this phrase: "Not a word about sadness!". Both in the family and at work. When I see a boring person, I leave. It seems to me that you can transfer sadness and positive emotions to other people.

- Alexander Solodukha it's a brand?

- Of course! The whole country has been talking about this for a very long time. What is the secret of success and popularity? I am in love with my work. Perhaps, you can add talent and charisma to the secrets.

About intimate

- What's new in your work?

- I record the new album, there are already 4 new songs. In 2017 I plan to release an album. I want to give a concert at the renewed stadium "Dynamo".

- Who is the best Belarusian performer?

- For today? He is now in front of you! This has been said by all media for 2 years, and I agree with the decision.

- What would you advise the audience? How to understand music?

- "Listen to your heart!" It will certainly tell you, even make a choice, what to listen to. It's so easy to listen to your inner voice.

- You do charity. Are you a sensitive person?

- Yes, I try not to deny in help, I always respond, I go to work anywhere. For me, charity is a necessity. Every year I understand it better. I will reveal the secret: all the rich people know that everything will be rewarded. Therefore, I always wait for invitations, because I know that I will get a refund.

About youth

- How do you feel about fast popularity (like the rise of Max Korzh)?

- He is a very young performer and I am very glad that a guy from a small Belarusian town could "blow up" the main places in Belarus and abroad. Bravo! I am always happy when young people succeed. There are a lot of talented musicians in Belarus, and it's nice.

- What happens to modern music?

- All unnecessary, as usual, goes away, and all the good remains. In modern Belarusian music, I like bands Bez Bileta and J:Mors. We have a lot of good music, a lot of names in English, but for me it's strange. I think that Belarusian performers should use their native language. Let the English sing in English, and the Finns in Finnish. Ukranian band Okean Elzy "blew up" the whole world in Ukrainian. Success is in the native!

- What advice would you give to the young people?

- Firstly, I would give the advice to choose their own way, to do their favorite things. And if it does not work, you need to start again. We need to find ourselves. Number one is a moral high. Be sure to live only with your loved one, go up and up, smile and never give up.

Photo by Irina GUDOVA

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