The Temple of God's Body (Corpus Christi church)

Address: Nesvizh
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The grandiose temple was built in 1584-1593. It was used as a church of the Jesuit monastery designed by the Italian architect Giovanni Maria Bernardoni. The temple was the first monument of baroque architecture in Eastern Europe. The prototype of the church is the Roman Temple of Ile Jesu (the Cathedral Church of the Jesuit Order), built in 1568-1584. The three-nave basilica in Nesvizh is decorated with frescoes. The paintings were renewed in the early twentieth century, and the icon "The Last Supper" was restored. In the Church of the Body of God, there are tombstones of the early 17th century, dedicated to the founder of the church, Prince Radziwill Sirotka and his children. In the crypt of the shrine, the family tomb of the Radziwills is located — it is the only necropolis of the historical family in Eastern Europe. It contains 72 burial places, some of them in the form of mummies - the latter is dated to 2000. The Radziwill crypt is the third in Europe by the number of dynastic burials (after the Habsburgs and the Bourbons).

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Catholic Church of St. Andrew

There are suggestions that the church was consecrated in the name of St. Andrew Bobola, but representatives of the Roman Catholic Church of Belarus believe that the church bears the name of the apostle Andrew.

The Grodno Lutheran Church

The Grodno Lutheran church, which presumably was built in 1783, is still performing its function. Lutheran church in Belarus - a rarity, but in terms of architecture, the building is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary Catholic church.

Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua

Tourists who love nature, water and tranquility, often visit Postavy. But not everyone knows that there are many places of interest here. In 1898-1904, under the direction of architect Arthur Goibel, a neo-Gothic church of St. Anthony of Padua was built here, which today is the vertical accent of the historical center of Postavy.
