Belarusian State Circus

Address: Minsk City, Nezavisimosti prospect, 32
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Peculiarities of the Circus: 

1. The first in the USSR permanent stone circus with 1666 sitting places, which was built after the Revolution of 1917.
2. The only circus in the USSR, which was evacuated from the territory occupied by the Germans.
3. The only circus in the world situated in the center of the capital of the state in the main street (thanks to Aleksandrovskaya, People’s Artist).
4. The only circus in the world adapted for all circus genres performances, as well as for concerts, sporting events, and keeping all types of animals including sea animals.
5. Among 66 permanent and 22 touring circuses of the USSR our circus was considered to be the most clean, cozy and comfortable for the artists and animals. The work in the circus was extremely honourable for all artists of the State circus of the USSR from Nikulin to the graduates from specialized circus schools. 

Belarusian State Circus

Belarusian State Circus

At present the Belarusian circus has a set program. For the first time in history of the Circus there was created the First national group “Stars of Belarus”, this project initiated and managed by T. Bondarchuk,  is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus from the fascist invaders. The Belarusian State Circus works in two directions:
- it organizes and realizes guest-performances of international circus programs on the arena of the Belarusian State Circus;
- it organizes tours of the first Belarusian group “Stars of Belarus” abroad.

Belarusian State Circus

Belarusian State Circus

During the last two years citizens of Minsk and guests of the capital of our Republic had a chance to see shows of international programs with participation of artists from Belarus, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Hungary, Kenya, China, as well as artists of Nikulin Big circus on Tsvetnoj Boulevard, Moscow circus on Vernadsky Avenue, Warsaw Big circus, and Beijing Golden circus. During that time the group “Stars of Belarus” were touring abroad. 

Belarusian State Circus

Belarusian State Circus

It should also be mentioned that the Belarusian State Circus is the only circus not only in Belarus, but also in CIS countries, which goes on organizing charity performances for disabled children, for children of the “Chernobyl way” Association, for veterans of the WW II, for internationalist soldiers, students of the Suvorov military school, fixed period servicemen and military men of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. During the tour around Ukraine a performance was given for the citizens and children of Beslan and Vladikavkaz, who were on recreation in Crimea. The Belarusian State Circus intends to broaden its international contacts, cooperate with international circus groups, exchange circus programs as well as to develop its own circus group and new shows. 

Belarusian State Circus

Belarusian State Circus

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