Catholic Church of St. Andrew

Address: Vitebsk Region, Lyntupy
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The village of Lyntupy is located in the border area of Belarus. The first temple was built here in the middle of the 15 century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the local shrine burned down, and the owner of Lyntupy Jozef Bishevsky allocated funds for the erection of a new stone church. The temple was built from 1908 to 1914. It was built of brick in the style of the new Baroque. There are suggestions that the church was consecrated in the name of St. Andrew Bobola, but representatives of the Roman Catholic Church of Belarus believe that the church bears the name of the apostle Andrew. In the church there is an icon "Saint Anna" (from the end of the 18 - beginning of the 19 century). During the Soviet era, the church of the Apostle Andrew was repeatedly closed, but the local residents were able to defend the church.


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Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity in Gerviaty

A magnificent church in the Neo-Gothic style, which can decorate any European capital, was built in the village of Gerviaty in the years 1899-1903 at the expense of Prince Olszewski.

Church of the St. Nicolas (Logoisk)

Church of the St. Nicolas was built in 1866. Unlike the old church of the same name which was placed in the low place outside Logoysk, the new temple was built directly in the settlement on the hill. A remarkable event in the life of St. Nicholas Church occurred in 1907.

Church of All Saints

Such temples are built once in a thousand years. Therefore, the construction of templates based on stereotypes was inadmissible for the creators of the complex.
