Tag "Гродно"

Grodno Region

Grodno region boasts multiple attractions, such as Mir Castle Complex, Holszany and Lida Castles, Girviaty Trinity Church, and the beautiful architectural panorama of Grodno itself.

Ambassadors Of The EU Countries Give An Advice To a Foreign Tourist

Ambassadors of European countries have already found a favorite place in Belarus. Now they are ready to share the most interesting sights with tourists.

Grodno (Hrodna). Belarusian Beauty

Grodno is considered to be the most beautiful city of Belarus. There occurred a fusion of cultures, a lot of important events. Therefore the city impresses not only with its own outer beauty, but also a rich history.

Grodno Becomes More Friendly For Tourists

Billboards with maps depicting tourist routes will be installed at the entrances to the Belarusian city of Grodno by the end of April.

The Grodno Lutheran Church

The Grodno Lutheran church, which presumably was built in 1783, is still performing its function. Lutheran church in Belarus - a rarity, but in terms of architecture, the building is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary Catholic church.