Unknown Minsk

Address: Minsk city, Victory square
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  • The Church of St. Roch (Independence ave., 44A)​

It is one of the oldest churches in Minsk, but it’s hard to find it. Though the building located in the city center, but it is difficult to notice: the Church hides behind the Palace of Arts. The temple was rebuilt many times, burned, and then made of stone. According to legend, the church was preserved thanks to the local priest: he had a dream that a cholera epidemic, which was then in Minsk, a long-forgotten statue of St. Roch can stop.

  • Möbius strip (Nezavisimosti ave., d. 66)

This attraction ihides in the courtyard of the Academy of Sciences. First you need to walk down the avenue of trees (they were planted by famous scientists of Belarus). The sculpture was installed in front of the Yakub Kolas library. It is an elegant metal band fixed to the stone-boulder.

  • Red patio (Revolutsionnaya str., 7)

This place is well-known among the citizens of Minsk — there's a lot of fairs and small festivals host in the Red patio. It is located behind the iron gates on one of the central streets of Minsk. There is not some flashy attractions, but the comfort, that reigns in this place, is really worth a visit.

  • Museum of Stones (Akademik Kuprevich str.)

The largest park-museum of stones in Europe! Almost every stone here has its own legend and history. Exposure — is a miniature imitation of Belarus in stone. The зark - is the diminished map of Belarus, formed by groups ща boulders (this is the major cities). And the highest hills of the park-museum - a miniature of the highest points of Belarus. The paths - the main rivers of the country, 3 bushes - regional centers. You can find out where the "ends" of Belarus on the low bushes: that's the boundaries of the map.

  • Lee Harvey Oswald House (Communisticheskaya str., 4)

The guides call this place the "Mecca" of tourism in Minsk. The most interesting flat of the house -  apartment number 24 of Lee Oswald. His actions became the occasions for discussions, and its "shot in Dallas," which killed Kennedy, made Lee Harvey Oswald one of the most intriguing persons-mysteries in American history.

  • Pishchalauski Castle (st. Volodarsky, 2)

Fortress of the XIX century, located in the heart of the capital - is Pishchalauski Castle. The legendary prison hidden from the eyes behind a high wall and barbed wire. About 200 years ago, the castle became the prison. By the way, in prison, there were famous political and cultural figures of Belarus: Yakub Kolas, Vincent Dunin-Marcinkiewicz, Maxim Tank, founder of the independent Poland Jozef Pilsudski.

  • Odintsova side street (Odintsova, 7)

One of the most exciting areas of Minsk. Odintsova deserves your interest: there are bright and unusual architectural structures. This place was called "acid Rococo region" and "Minsk quarter of Gaudi", and also people notice its resemblance to the famous German complex "Forest Spiral", designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The buildings seem alien against a background of gray high-rise buildings.

  • The cemetery of tower cranes (Selitskogo str.)

The cemetery of tower cranes in Shabani is a thousand tons of dead iron, located in an area of three football fields! You can see the cemetery of cranes from afar: exhibits are really high. The attraction occupies the former factories territory that emphasizes urban landscapes. Now this place attracts tourists, photographers and film directors.



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