Residence of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Address: Belovezhskaya Pushcha
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Father Frost’s residence in Belovezhskaya Pushcha opened in December 2003. A picturesque nature and a fairytale atmosphere of the primeval forest made it one of the most visited places of Belarus. The residence is situated in the oldest European forest that boasts one of Europe’s biggest bison populations. It used to have the world’s tallest Christmas tree that was 150 years old. During New Year and Christmas holidays the tree was decorated with a record high number of lights. Unfortunately, in summer 2014 the tree started to fade and was eventually cut down. But in the forest there are still a lot of beautiful fir trees which are older than 200 years.

Father Frost in spring apparel

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden welcome guests at Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Skilful craftsmen turned the residence into a fairytale place. Here you will see houses decorated with hand-carved wooden fretwork and sculptures of fairytale characters, discover the captivating world of myths and legends, take part in games and contests and try unusual dishes… Thousands of tourists visit Father Frost’s abode in Belovezhskaya Pushcha every year. In 2013 the residence welcomed one millionth visitor. The entrance to the residence is guarded by two wooden knights – Oakley Oak and and Elmy Elm. They used to be trees that were damaged during a hurricane.

Belarusian Father Frost

The Belarusian Father Frost and the Finnish Santa Claus (Joulupukki) meet in Minsk (2010)

The residence is 15 hectares big. Here you can find:

  • Father Frost’s House with a throne room
  • Snow Maiden’s tower
  • Treasury with valuable items – letters, paintings and gifts from children
  • Magic Mill that turns bad things into dust and sand
  • Meadow of Twelve Months
  • 40.5-meter tall New Year tree
  • Alley of Chinese astrological signs
  • Father Frost’s Hut where visitors can try traditional Belarusian cuisine
  • A workshop of the Mother Winter and the Ice Museum opened during the festivities timed to the 10th anniversary of the residence.
  • Visitors will be offered to take a ride across the residence on a special New Year train.

 Residence of Father Frost

Residence of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

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