The House of Vankovich

Address: Minsk, Internationalnaya street, 33A
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Almost in the center of modern Minsk the modest private residence held out. Experts consider it to be the pearl of the architecture of the beginning of 19th century: as repeatedly researches confirmed, this house is constructed in strict conformity with the canons of classicism, according to the proportions of "golden section". Sometimes citizens of Minsk even don’t notice it because of the heap of modern stone buildings. But if suddenly they appear in front of a blue facade with snow-white columns, they are amazed with the harmony of the building.

The house was constructed at the end of 18th century and belonged to the brother of the artist Valentij Vankovich well-known far outside Belarus. V.Vankovich's talent was pointed to since his childhood, during his education in the Polotsk Jesuit College and the Vilna University. Being the best pupil, he was sent to the Petersburg Imperial academy of arts to perfect himself. There he was noted: his works got gold and silver medals of the academy. Because of the lack of money the artist could not continue his study abroad, as it was usual at that time, and returned to Minsk. Here he became famous for the portraits of his contemporaries, most famous of which is the portrait of the poet Adam Mitskevich.

In the House of Vankovich the life of the beginning of 19th century is recreated: the furniture of the typical estate of a landowner, with studies, drawing rooms, portrait galleries. The house - museum is the branch of the National art museum. Now only the main house of the estate is built up. According to the plan of restoration, two wings and the fence of all plot of the estate will be restored. Valentij Vankovich lived a short life. When Valentij was 42 he died in Paris where he visited his friend A. Mitskevich. The artist left the enormous gallery of excellent romantic portraits. Only small part of them was kept in the museums and private collections of England, France, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Russia and not a single on the native land.

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