Belarusian State Puppet Theatre

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Increasingly, the Belarusian State Puppet Theatre is drawn to the works of classical literature: Yakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Gerhard Hauptmann, Carlo Gozzi, Mikhail Bulgakov, William Shakespeare, Anton Chekhov. And it is not surprising that, for example, the "Storm" and "Master and Margarita" at the Belarusian State Puppet Theater sound more accurately, vividly and emotionally, than at the first dramatic scenes of the country. Theatre performances attracted the audience with fresh, unusual reading of traditional classical and contemporary works, expressive scenography, bright actor's work, original music, the use of new types of dolls.

The theater is well known and recognized in Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Poland, France, Croatia, Switzerland, Estonia and other countries. Belarusian State Puppet Theatre - one of the leading theater groups of the country. Its performances are convinced in professional maturity and creative enthusiasm of the team, when the spirit of research and experiment can rely on the strength of tradition which was developed over the years.

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