Belarus' National Statistical Committee Named The Most Popular Museums And Theaters In Belarus

Belarus' National Statistical Committee named the most popular museums and theaters in the country in 2016.

The most popular museum in 2016 is The Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (last year it drew 559,000 visitors). The Brest Hero Fortress Memorial Complex welcomed 423,300 visitors and the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve Nesvizh 412,400. They were the second and third most visited museums in Belarus in 2016. 

Картинки по запросу музей вов

The most popular theater in Belarus in 2016 was the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater (239,700 visits). The Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater was second with 137,600 visits and Maxim Gorky National Academic Drama Theater finished third with 83,000 visits. 

Картинки по запросу большой театр оперы и балета республики беларусь

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